
Canada Falls Firmly Under the Jewish Supremacist Heel

Canada has become even more dominated by Jewish Supremacists than the United States—if that is possible—even to the point of signing a new “aid” package to the racist Zionist state of Israel in the face of world opinion.

According to a report in the Canadian Globe and Mail newspaper, Canada and Israel have drawn up a pact to work together on international development and aid projects, “further strengthening ties between the two countries at a time when Israel faces increasing international isolation.”

Quoting Daniel Carmon, head of Israel’s agency for international development, and Julian Fantino, Canada’s International Co-operation Minister, the newspaper announced that the new agreement has been signed this week.

The deal will, apparently, “encourage the two countries to share strategies for international development and could lead to partnerships on specific projects.”

Canada previously backed Israel’s use of air strikes in Gaza last month and campaigned against a vote to give Palestine status as a non-member observer state at the United Nations.

That vote passed 138 to nine, leaving Canada part of a minority of countries that voted with Israel.

In an announcement circulated by the Israeli embassy, Mr. Fantino is quoted as saying the two countries share a “bond of friendship and are allies in the democratic family of countries.” That statement, coming from Israel which is the most racist state in the world, and Canada, which has an unsurpassed record of persecuting political dissidents and suppressing freedom of speech, was only one of the more astonishing moments of hypocrisy in the turn of events.

Possibly the most outrageous comment that the agreement would “contribute to a more secure and prosperous world.” That obviously does not include the Palestinians, of course.