
Jewish Supremacists Attack Dr. Duke’s Latest Book—Before it is Even Printed!

jewish holocaust denial02Jewish Supremacists have already launched an attack on Dr. David Duke’s latest book—The Secret Behind Communism—before it even leaves the presses!

An article in the Jewish Community Newsletter of June 2013, by one A. Cohen, has described Dr. Duke’s book “More dangerous than Holocaust Denial” and calls for restrictions on freedom of speech in order to curb its distribution.

The article says that Dr. Duke’s book is a “new tactic which is quite diabolical… Aks the person what he’s heard about the Communist Holocaust” and then “point out the fact that more people died from Communist genocide than Jews who died under Hitler.”

The article points out that Dr. Duke quotes Jewish sources (!):  “Then Duke quotes Jewish historians and Jewish publications saying that Bolshevism in Russia was led by Jews, and copies Jewish publications in Israel suggesting Jews committed genocide against tens of millions of people.”

The article reproduces a graphic put on davdidduke.com from the Israeli news service, Ynet News, which says that “We mustn’t forget that some of the greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish.”

The Jewish Community Newsletter goes on to say “as a Coup de grace, [Dr. Duke] asks ‘why is this much greater Holocaust so ignored by Hollywood and mass media?

“It puts us on the defensive as ‘Jewish Holocaust Deniers.  Dear G-d, why must we wait even one more day for laws (with teeth) against hate?” it concludes.

Nothing could be more evidence of the power of this new book than the fact that the Jewish Supremacists are screaming about it before it even appears.

Help Dr. Duke go on the offensive against the Jewish Supremacists—who are the enemies of all peoples of the world—by helping in the last fund-raising effort to get as many copies of this book published as possible—click here to help out today!