
CNN Lies and Distorts Dr. Duke’s words again!

Why does CNN and so much of the Zionist-influenced media lie about David Duke and distort his words? All one has to do is listen to the live interview Dr. Duke did with Wolf Blitzer. Duke makes a lot of sense and has the courage to speak it. (you can see the interview by clicking on the photo)

CNN Lies and Distorts my words again!

CNN in a brand new video says that I am against any harm coming to Obama simply because it would inflate his stature. They quote me as saying it “would be a catastrophic act for White Americans because it would inflate Obama’s stature.”

That’s an exact quote from the new video.

The first article CNN did on the subject implied that I was purposely generating opposition to Obama to encourage his assassination.

As anyone can see by going back to my many prior writings and broadcasts on this this issue, what I have written and have said emphatically and repeatedly is this:

1) That the act of murdering anyone, or certainly the President of the United States, would be an evil act, a terrible tragedy for Obama and his family and for our country.

2) That the act would be a catastrophe for rights of White Americans and certainly lead to draconian laws that would damage our people, much like the assassination of Kennedy and King did.

3) That an Obama assassination would put the final nails into the coffin of civil liberties, rights and freedoms in this country and undoubtedly lead to taking away the American right to keep and bear arms.

4) I have carefully informed all White activists that any harm coming to Obama would be the very worst thing that could befall our people.

In every way, my stance is proper and if it has any effect at all, should lessen any danger to Obama from White activists.
CNN could have reported I said Obama’s assassination would be an evil act and one catastrophic for the rights of White Americans, but they chose to be as sensational and biased as ever.

I did say that Obama being, in CNN’s own words, the most popular celebrity in the world – that an assassination would not only lead to another American national holiday a la MLK, but a world holiday. True.

I guess the Zionists who run CNN have never gotten over the intellectual drubbing I gave to Wolf Blitzer when I accurately referred to him as “a former employee of AIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee) and not an honest, unbiased journalist, but an agent for Israel and Jewish extremism.” (Duke vs. Blitzer on CNN)

Since my own words are reasonable and decent, the Jewish-influenced media must continually distort and make up lies about what I believe and what I say.

They want to tell people what they say I say rather than allow people to actually hear and read for themselves what I actually do say. Although I stated continuously that I condemn any sort of racial supremacism and that I don’t believe any race should rule over any other, they continually refer to me as a “white supremacist,” this at the same time they never expose Israel as a “Jewish supremacist state,” which of course it undoubtedly is. They don’t introduce Wolf Blitzer in this way, “And now here’s CNN’s very own Jewish Supremacist, Wooolffff, Blitzerrrrr!

But thank God for the Internet. For since its arrival some hearty searchers for truth are able to find some.