
Letter from Iraq

Letter from an American soldier in Iraq

Dear Rep. Duke,

My name is XXXXXX and I hail from XXXXXX, a small town in Louisiana that I think you know from your campaigns. I never had the honor to vote for you as I was too young, my father and mother did. I hope to someday vote for you for President if you will run someday, I hope you do. I notice that you refer a lot to the Iraq War on your web site and I want you to hear from first-hand experience what is going over here.

First off, I am a patriotic American and no pacifist. Any nation that would actually attack or try to attack America I would be all for nuking the whole damn place, so I don’t want anyone to get the idea that I am un-American by what I am about to say.

But the fact is a lot of us are dying and what is even worse maybe being blinded and burned and crippled, and for what? It is sure not to protect America. I am on my second tour of duty and I worked with some units in the billion-dollar Easter egg hunt for WMD. We didn’t find anything of the sort, and every time we found a bottle of bug spray the guys the white suits would come over and examine it for chemical or biological agents. And every time it turned out to be the same insecticides that are routinely used on our own crops back in Louisiana!

After the search was over and we discovered there were no weapons of mass destruction (the reason for which we to sent to fight and die), then President Bush announced that we are here not for WMD but for freedom of the Iraqis. That’s the biggest crock we have ever heard over here. Every soldier and marine here knows that the people don’t want us here. The see us as exactly what we are, foreign occupiers of their country who have killed tens of thousands of civilians including thousands of women and children in so-called collateral damage.

I was actually in Fallujah before our first pullout and was one of the first ones in on our return. Fallujah is called the city of mosques, and I am told it has more per capita than any city on earth I think. Well, not any more. We pulverized into rubble hundreds of them, and just about every one of them has extensive damage now, as does almost every major building I have seen in the town.

We all saw the video on NBC of the mosque shootings of wounded and I can tell you it is a lot worse than that. We often killed the helpless, the wounded and many civilians. My own squad did. I did. And I will do whatever I am ordered to do, but it doesn’t stop me from not liking it. I didn’t join the service to kill women and children!

We do a lot worse than what you saw on the video. In Fallujah when we come to a apartment building, we shout for the people to come out. Most times because a lack of translators we couldn’t even say to come out in Arabic, and these people don’t know what an English “come out??? sounds like anymore than you reading this would know it if I said it in Arabic.

A lot of people are too afraid to come out. But after we would warn them, we would go in. You know how? We would riddle the building and every window with high-caliber, armor piercing machine gun fire, then often we would throw in a grenade for good measure. If any civilians were in there they ended up either dead or wounded. (And I can tell you that over the duration of a week I myself saw at least a hundred bodies in the burned out and attacked apartments, and I only saw a little sliver of Fallujah) And what did we do with the wounded? I’ll tell you. We did nothing. We just moved on to the next building. We were fighters not medics, but there were no medics behind us. I believe the thinking is that it is better for the wounded enemy to die so they can’t fight us anymore.

I did what everyone else did, but it doesn’t mean I liked it. I am a fighting man in the tradition of my Dad and Grandfather and on back. I had a great, great, great grandfather who fought with Lee in Virginia. I am an American fighting man, not the murderer of civilians. It is true that we have to kill civilians if we are to survive because we can’t know who the enemy is, but how in the world can our leaders put us in this situation? If it takes the killing tens of thousands of civilians for us to be here, for God’s sake we shouldn’t be here!

And if we have to kill innocent civilians and destroy tens of thousands of people’s homes, then how can we say we are fighting to bring them freedom. Tell that to the grieving mother and father I saw who at their feet lay their little girl with her head half shot off.

The media tries to make out that all of us over here are for this war. I am absolutely sure that most of us think this war is insane. Obviously, we want to believe in the war. If we die or are maimed, we want to think we died or suffered for something good. We are trained to obey and believe our superior officers and the President of the United States, but we have seen the truth here, all of us, with our own eyes. We want to get back to our families, not because we are afraid, but because we realize that this war is the craziest war America has ever fought, an unnecessary war that has only caused more human suffering both for we Americans here doing our duty and the innocent here who suffer and hate us with all their heart. And as for terrorists, we are making 10 new terrorists for every one we kill.

I asked the guys in my squad what they would do if another nation invaded America and did to your town what we did to the people of Fallujah. Every one of them said they would fight the invaders to their last breath. Even though all these guys are bravely going out and fighting the enemy, they still know the truth, they are true to each other and to our country. But, Mr. Duke our nation’s leaders have not been true to us or to the American people.

None of us can figure out why we are really here. The people here on the streets have a name for us, they call us the Jews! At first I never understood this, but when I found out how Israeli agents in the American government like Perle and Wolfowitz were behind the war, all of it began to fall into place. You are right, it was never a war for America, it is one where thousands of Americans are being killed or maimed for life for Israel, not America.

Your book My Awakening and Jewish Supremacism is circulating among many of us here, and you would be surprised how many believe that you are the only political figure that speaks for us. Please keep up the good work.
