
The Quotation on Page 264 of Jewish Supremacism is unbelievable! Prove it!

Yes, Manfred, sometimes the “unbelievable” is real!

—– Original Message —–
From: “Manfred B>
To: August 19, 2005 2:17 AM
Subject: Question on quotation p. 264 of J.S.

Dear Mr. Duke,

the quotation on page 264 of Jewish Supremacism is unbelievable. Please give me the exact date and the headline of the article. Unfortunately you don´t state it rather than just giving the name of the website in which it appeared. Prove what you say or are you just making it up?

Manfred B

Response from David Duke

Dear Manfred,

I know that the quotation you mention seems unbelievable. As you are aware, almost everyone who reads Jewish Supremacism can hardly believe their eyes as they finally begin to learn about the most extreme racial and religious supremacism on the earth.

As I mention on page 264 of Jewish Supremacism, the quote is taken from the Gamla Website . Here are the rest of the details along with a direct link to the article.

Gamla News and Views
The Crack of the Whip

by Emanuel A. Winston, a Middle East analyst & commentator
September 16, 1998

The article you refer to is by the leading news commentator, Emanuel Winston, of one of the biggest websites in Israel, Gamla. Winston and Gamla drip with hatred against all Europeans. He says the planet would be well to be rid of the European “predator” and looks forward to the destruction of European mankind. Gamla website by the way is connected intimately with Benjamin Netanyahu. Here are direct quotes from the article:

…As any prostitute can tell you, for a fee they will agree to do anything you want. The Europeans are really a low, immoral people who would sell their mother…and then deliver…How easily any sense of humanity of civilization slips away from their face, leaving only the beast. This beast has many faces and names. Sometimes they are called Germans, Poles, Croatians, Ukrainians… While at other times they became the Church, the Red Cross, or Prime Ministers, Kings, Fuhrer. Then, in a quick change, we see some Americans, French, English and, finally, there is the contaminated Jew called the Leftist. It doesn’t really matter, this name or that. Underneath there is strand, a bond that society teaches children to hate the “other” – the different ones.

These are people of ultimate evil as the beast stays just below the surface, ready to savage, ready to kill the Jew. The planet would be well rid of the European predator. Perhaps we will be fortunate to live in such interesting times (an old Chinese curse), to see the decline and disappearance of the graveyard called Europe.

So where is the outcry from the press and politicians that supposedly abhor racial hatred? Why is it that this kind of hatred even advocacy of genocide toward the European people is something that damn few Europeans know anything about? And don’t think it that the sentiments expressed by Winston are somehow exceedingly rare, for they are ensconced in even the common language of Jews toward Gentiles.

As I point out with quotations from the Jewish Chronicle, one of the largest Jewish publications in the United States, Jews routinely refer to Gentile women as Shiksas and Gentile little girls as Shikselbas, which means “whores” and “little whores.” In an article called “Some Carefully and Carelessly Chosen Words,” reveals that the Jewish word for Gentile woman is the offensive Yiddish word shiksa – meaning “whore,” from the Hebrew root, sheigetz (“abomination”). It also pointed out that a little Gentile girl is called shikselke, meaning “little female abomination.”

Shiksa – the Jewish term for a Gentile woman, from the root word sheigetz meaning “abomination” or “whore.”
Shikselke – a Gentile little girl, meaning “little female abomination.” –Bermant, C. (1991). Some Carefully And Carelessly Chosen Words, Jewish Chronicle. May 17.

You will hear the term frequently throughout Jewish culture and even in the movies. But, tell me how many Gentiles even know what the terms mean. What do you think the reaction would be if Gentiles routinely referred to Jewish women as whores and Jewish little girls as “little whores?”

Sometimes to really understand the impact of a quote, it is good to turn it around. I will do that with the Winston quote. Imagine if a Gentile news commentator wrote: Now please take note that this is not a statement of my views (for I can just see the Jewish press duplicitous quoting this as my words).

As any prostitute can tell you, for a fee they will agree to do anything you want. The Jews are really a low, immoral people who would sell their mother…and then deliver…How easily any sense of humanity of civilization slips away from the Jewish face, leaving only the beast. This Jewish beast has many faces and names. Sometimes they are called Germans, Poles, Croatians, Ukrainians… While at other times they may be Americans, French, English, they may be called Liberals or conservatives, republicans or democrats, communists or Neocons. It doesn’t really matter, this name or that. Underneath there is strand, a bond that society teaches children to hate the “other” – the different ones.

These Jews are people of ultimate evil as the beast stays just below the surface, ready to savage, ready to kill the European or the Palestinian. The planet would be well rid of the Jewish predator. Perhaps we will be fortunate to live in such interesting times (an old Chinese curse), to see the decline and disappearance of the graveyard called Israel.

Not only is it important to note what commentators like Winston say about Europeans, it is important to note how the mainstream press has uttered not a word in condemnation about it. The ADL which is supposedly against racial and religious hatred and intolerance utters not a word against this naked hatred of Gentiles and by the way of Christians, for Winston also goes on to say:

…Never mind, that Jes-s was a Jew, as good “Christians”, they only regret that Hitler didn’t finish the job…

Notice as well the typical Jewish supremacist mindset. As he calls Europeans prostitutes and predators and beasts he accuses Europeans of teaching “hatred of the other.”

I am often called a supremacist, but nothing I have ever written can even be remotely compared to the hatred espoused by Winston and Gamla. Truth is I am not a supremacist, I just happen to be opposed to Jewish supremacy over my own nation’s Congress, foreign policy and media. I don’t call or wish for the massacre and death of the Jews as they call for the genocide of my people. Notice how the media doesn’t even refer to these Jews as what they are: supremacists. In fact they are racial supremacists. For in setting the immigration policies of Israel they care not if the immigrant is of the Jewish religion, the overriding factor is whether or not they are of Jewish descent, Jewish genetics. Intermarriage between Jew and Gentile is illegal, they completely segregate schools, apartment buildings, and settlements and ultimately they don’t simply want separation as White nationalists do, they demand supremacy over the Palestinian population they occupy and suppress. Frankly seek supremacy over American politics and media as well. Look at the most powerful lobby in America (AIPAC), that of a foreign nation, Israel! Look at their incredible influence over the American media. See Who Runs the Media.

Please consider the fact that I have never, even in more strident younger days of 30 years ago and beyond, NEVER written anything even remotely resembling the Jewish supremacist writings quoted here. Yet, I am the one called a supremacist and “anti-Semite” while you don’t hear a word in the media about the genocidal, vile ravings of men like Emanual Winston.

There are thousands of articles, books, movies, and documentaries about the danger of supposedly White supremacist thinking and groups. These groups have almost no real political power or media influence, Now, ask yourself why there is almost nothing in the media about Jewish supremacism and the incredible power it wields.

There is not a fact in this article that can be refuted. And, the logic is irrefutable too, but still you read in the mainstream press how racist and hateful I am, a man with little money, little political power, and nothing in the mainstream media about Jewish supremacists who control media conglomerates, huge chunks of international finance and influence (such as supremacist Paul Wolfowitz as head of the World Bank) and compose the biggest lobby in the American Congress!

What goes on here?

Maybe this article will get a few of you who can think for yourself, to begin to examine Jewish supremacism and the threat it holds for our nation and the planet. Maybe you will read my book, Jewish Supremacism and find out what is really going on!

They have already embroiled us in this insane bloody war in Iraq. They seek the worldwide bloodbath of what they call World War IV. When will our people realize that they are the ones that truly threaten the peace and freedom, rather than the man the media loves to hate: me.

A long time ago in my political career I made the choice to speak the truth on these subjects openly. I knew enough of history to realize it would open the floodgates of abuse and vile personal attacks, even government suppression upon my head. In the intervening years, I have had to deal with physical assaults, a never ending stream of death threats, being banned from whole nations, having my books and writings banned and even burned by nations.

Many millions who are work or school or in many public libraries cannot even read these words because of the efforts of the Jewish extremists to put filters that not only take out pornography but political thought and speech that dare to expose Jewish supremacism.

How do they justify it? I have been elected to public office twice, and I have received over 60 percent of the European American vote in two major elections. How does anybody claim we have real freedom in America, when someone with a proven support of so many millions of people, should have his writings censored and filtered from millions more?

But, the truth is getting out. When people learn of the true nature of my writings, their naked suppression by the Jewish supremacists only shows them even more clearly the truth in what I have to say.

I have not given up. In fact I know that many more people learn the truth of which I speak every day.

I will continue to stand up for those of you who believe in truth, freedom and heritage!

Yours for Our Heritage and Freedom,

David Duke